Key Network Participants

  • Moca Partner Network Projects - Projects spending $MOCA to adopt the common public infrastructure to share the impact of network effect, and adopt utility-focused products and services that can be bootstrapped across the network for a better user experience.

  • Engaged Users - Users who contribute time, social utility, and content to the network. Activities maintain the growth loop of the ecosystem.

  • Network Advocates - Users that are equally dedicated to the network, but less so in a time capacity. They do not contribute in the same manner as the engaged users, but they spend on digital and physical assets, convenience, and utilities, which motivate Engaged Users to collaborate. These users incentivize Partner Projects to offer value for users of the network.

  • Moca DAO Proposers and Voters - A group of DAO participants who propose and vote to bring new standards, sustainable growth, and adoption of $MOCA which governs the network.

Last updated